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MSD dizzy mech. advance timing

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Matt G:
Darylle, Try this link
I have all of the springs and limiters on my MSD dizzy, and I received essentially the above print with my dizzy, however I didn’t change any of my springs or limiters from standard.  I figured that I’d get a good Dino guy to play with it at Dyno time....  one day....  Looks like some good advice from many above.  Maybe join the doc with the advice, and you’ll have the full kit :)

Hi all
Thanks again for all your replies, with regards to the timing the engine supplier stated that 40 degrees was too much total and warned of potential drama if she gets "hot" She runs well with the 98 fuel but I think she needs a little fine tuning and I was considering a dyno for that purpose. Also I purchased the 8420 kit and I see it has the stop bushings as does the 8464 so if I understand it right these bushings reduce the total advance. 

Okay now that you have the stuff you now need to graph the dissy to your engine.
So you will need to take your cam specs with you to Hume performance and they will graph your dissy up for you correctly.
When this is done take it in for a tune .


Hi Rosco
As a matter of fact I purchased my quadrajet from Hume and found them very helpful! I was thinking the dyno people would re graph the dizzy when completing the tune.

They may depends on who does it. Most competent tuners can do this job for u.



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