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Voting and Fake News.
I, like Donald, don't like FAKE News.
And rather than let it go, I have relented and decided to comment.
Tuesday nites meeting was a good one, plenty of fiesty enthusiasm, but when a perveyor of FAKE NEWS chines in, I have to set the record straight.
The perveyor of this FAKE NEWS let it be known that certain committee were not elected via membership vote.
I'm sure that many left the meeting thinking that the committee had surepticuosley slotted people into these positions without the normal electoral process.
Having access to club records allowes me to check the facts. And it turns out that he was PARTIALLY right, but not correct.
As required by NSW Law, this club operates under the basic guideline for Clubs, Associations and Unions.
At the AGM, all positions are declared vacant, where more than one person nominates for a position, a vote is carried out by members in attendance. Where only one person applies, and if he meets the criteria, then he is elected unopposed. (ie. No voting required)
So! Mr Fake News is right, he was at the AGM, he did not vote, since the only person to run for HCR was elected unopposed.
So members! fake news can take all forms, they are not necessarily lies, it may only be necessary to leave a few FACTS out, the listener fills in the blanks.
Donald would be very proud . It is always good to have the facts and push the B.ll S..t aside .
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