General Discussion Area > General Chat
Corvette in Film
Jesse Richardson:
Hi everyone,
Apologies if this message is in the wrong section - mods please feel free to move if neccessary.
We are a sydney based independent film company looking for a Corvette to feature in our film "The Pitch".
As our lead character is wealthy (at the start) we would primarily be looking for newer models but would consider classics as well!
the car would be required for 1-2 days approx under your supervision in August in Sydney.
This would provide exposure and help us produce a fantastic film on a shoe string budget!
Open to any expressions of interest - to anyone who would like to assist in making a film and having your car star!
Jesse and Daniel
"The Pitch"
HI can you please provide contact details . Ray
Jesse Richardson:
Hi Ray,
Feel free to email us directly at :
We would love to hear from you!
Jesse Richardson
Not being a sceptic, but would the car be going to Columbia for a short visit .
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