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Left hand drive laws in NSW & Bathurst inquiry

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Rusty nuts:
Hi unsafeC4,
                   Instead of Bathurst why not come for the Nationals in Easter, there will be alot more Corvettes, and Corvette minded people, and I am sure atleast a Beer or 2. You will still get to have a good drive of your C4and make some lasting vettefriends. Just thought I'd plant the seed.  Jeff

I've never been to the Bathurst races but where does one park their car while the races are on? I don't want to put you off going if that's your dream but I wouldn't trust my car in any large car park especially out of eye-shot but maybe that's just me, lol.


Unsafe C4...Just checking Bathurst for October virtually sold out, min 5days 3K
You need to book as you leave for next year
You might try Oberon 40 min trip to Bathurst need to book now!! how long stay etc
even Lithgow maybe some BnB places in Bathurst............. do your search.
Its an expensive weekend everyone cashes in on the event $$$$
At the track You might sleep up on the mountain on the ground small tent at your risk as my friend does.
you'll feel a grub but its worth every inconvenience........hago


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