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71 acelerator cable

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who can supply a accelerator cable for a 71 right hand drive?

The problem is matching what was there from the conversion. I would suspect a holden cable will work but you need the length, fittings on each end as well as the free travel of the cable.

I have usd the Lokar cable 28" available from Rocket, buy one and never need another.
And they look the goods  :thumb: :thumb:


I do like them cables very nice,but I could not find a 28?or is it the 48 that you are using?

Had another look at  it, it is the 24"".
You may need the longer one as I am left hand drive.
Very easy to cut and set to the correct length.
Get the duo with the carb connection kit really tidies things up in the engine bay and will allow for the fine tunining of the carb to get full throttle.
Just make sure you get the correct cable for the foot throttle connection you may be using.
Piece of cake to set up, you will need to drill out the old fire wall connection though.
I will see if I can get a photo of mine up for you.



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