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General help with my 72 Corvette Stingray

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I checked the duct and it definitely looks like its come apart. Tried to compress it together but could only get about 5mm out of it. Are they easy to remove and repair because there aint much room under there?

Checked the firewall while I was under there and there were no holes in the firewall, looks like all rubber grommets are still in place.

The duct definitely comes apart and yours is just about there.  The scalloping or 'hole' you see should be pushed inside, mine had done the same and it was previously PVC duct taped - don't waste your time as the tape quickly gets hot and hard and you'll be trying to clean it off next! It looks like GM use double sided tape - if you can slide it together, you may be able to do the same, or else use an adhesive that cures so it will hold, but can be removed by a sharp blade down the joint without damaging the plastic at a later date.  Sikaflex type, but it could stink a little as it cures and heats so there may be better water based products.

The heat restricting flap is mounted inside the duct above the one you show in the pic.  it has a control cable connected to it, pretty sure the ducts pictured are just to direct air downstream of the flap.   

My ducts are out of the car, they were easily removed, but I stripped the whole interior inc dash so not sure what contortions you might need to limber up for...  If you want I can take some pics of duct pieces on the w/e so you can see the metal tabs that screw up, but I find sites like Corvette America etc. have pretty good assembly manual diagrams and most often photos of the parts - just search the part description.

Like the other guys, I have spent a lot of time putting good quality sound / heat insulation under the carpet, under the trans tunnel and there are also foam seals between the chasis and body at the firewall and between the tunnel & trans (mines auto & I am not sure if this is factory)  - but i didn't do external to the fire wall, good idea!  But with the block hugging extractors and side pipes the exhaust gets out just behind the wheels so I'll get a sore ear instead of hot legs.

Good to see the PCV was a common part, great looking car and have fun with it!

Guess I've got 2 options to fix the duct. I can either find 2 grommets for the scalloped holes and just plug them up, or find a way to squeeze the duct together and fix it properly with double sided tape. I might try and squeeze the duct together with a G clamp but have to be mindful I dont squeeze it too much and crack it. I'll give it a go over the weekend.

Can anyone give me some advice on the reproductions seat covers from Ecklers, Corvette America and Mid America Motorworks? Whats their quality like and why Ecklers lists only Medium Blue for a 72 and Corvette America list only Royal Blue for a 72? Just trying to nut out exactly what reproduction seat covers I need to buy.

Thanks all.  :bouncesmile:

Have a look at Wilcox for seat they are very good and will give you the advise you need.
1972 was royal blue by the way not medium blue but they will give you a sample color via the net if you ask.

Thanks Rosco. I sent through an email.

I need to replace the clock but then everybody probably already knew that. Think I know where to get a 2nd hand one. Are they easy to remove and replace and what needs to be removed to change it?


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