Today I fitted it. Didnt fit, had to cut a little more off the 45' chamfer that allows clerance of the oil pan. Could not figure out or achieve the ring gear clearances, so fitted all supplied shims (4). At this stage I thought get it fitted and started and then I can go down and see Mr Jensen, he will sort it out. Was at the stage where I had had enough. But then Murphy struck. Did the final power lead to +bat........ and kapow dead short, try again...... kapow dead short, crawl back under, the + lead is bent down onto the frame, fixed and no more short. All wires/cables fitted, hop in, turn the key...... #$/^ing NOTHING, dead as a door nail, now it appears the on board security has locked me out, time for a shower, it will take 15mins to reset.
20 mins go by.
Ahhhh all fresh now, hop in and Holly Hell does that little sucker spin or what, but remember Murphy!. No bloody fuel, starts like a bought one, but will not run, oh well I wanted to recheck the tank for water, now is a good time, plus its too late now to go visiting. I'll have to check my busy schedule and visit Mr Jensen tomorrow.