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PS pulley hitting on front x-member

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Mate swing the pump inwards and use a smaller belt

Hopefully it's that simple.

When the power steering pump is fitted with the correct belt,  the filler neck with be close to vertical not laying out as it is in the photo.
It is posible you have  the wrong brackets. I'll see if I can take a head on photo of one
 of mine I have out on the floor  PM   Me an email address


Hi Scott,

Bob is right. It needs to be in a more upright position. The picture shows the pump using a March pulley setup, however this is close to its oem v-belt position. No problems with the cross member here.


--- Quote from: wabco40 on January 14, 2016, 06:23:56 PM ---The picture shows the pump using a March pulley

--- End quote ---
Hi Wabco.  Is that a special pump or did you have it modified to spin backwards for the serpentine belt?


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