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You dont see this every day
Had to share this one with you all. It was posted in one of the photography groups that I'm a member of in fb
The Etna view, the other day, from Centuripe (Italy). 04/12/2015
Click image for huge view
What a top shot, Sicily likes to put on a show, Im sure that Catania (town at the foot of Etna) would not be my favorite place to live. Just looks like 79AD, what was that town called - Pom something.
Hey Vettech, you have an email that I'm still waiting a reply on, get ya act together slacko :kickass: :smilegrin:
Ah yes the email that goes around the world for six pence, yes Tracey reminded me, I then booked an appointment with the Boss who finally said there had been an email. We are currently looking for skin rejuvenator, make up and a colourfull wig so I can look as young as the women I feel. Alas! nothing seems to be working, but we will not be long in getting something back to you. No doubt we will see you at the BBQ Nite?
Uncle Doug.
Yep I'll be there :smilegrin:
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