Events > Past Event & Run History

December 15th Final BBQ & Event for 2015 CE094/15

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:elefant: Yippee its Xmas so come along to this the last BBQ for the year.
Come in a festive themed costume. Xmas raffles and festivities :santa:

We don't want to run out of food, or for that matter waste any.........

ESSENTIAL that you please Contact Joe Farrugia on 0403 323 273 or
Jeff Wilson 0478 22 88 99 to ensure we cater for you

joe and jeff, I just tried to ring both numbers - both say invalid! so I would just like to confirm that Lynn and I are attending the bbq on Tuesday night. thanks Tony

Jeff's number should be correct 0478 22 88 99 but I may have a digit out on the flyer for Joe's, ooppss.  Shall check and rectify if necessary.

Edit, Joe's number rectified, my bad  :bag:

Miss Independent:

Contact Joe if you are attending as Jeff is away at the moment .

Top night.  Even a little bit of rain didnt dampen the spirits.  Somebody left their umbrella behind.  Think Joy has it, as in Ray and Joy
Great to catch up with one and all again.  A big thanks for my pressies of appreciation for my forum/website work.  Quite humbling  :grin2:

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