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Greetings From The USA and Proposition Between Clubs!
Hello and greeting from the USA,
My name is Jerry Apicella, current PR Chair for the Free State Corvette Club here in the State of Maryland. It was great meeting some of you at Corvettes @ Carlisle back in August. We exchanged a few hats and shirts at our tent and unfortunately, missed your group Saturday afternoon. I had a mixed bag of our club pins for you to take back home late Saturday, but unfortunately your group had already left. Meeting Corvette folks from "Down Under" was awesome, and I hope the last leg of your trip to NYC and Las Vegas was adventurous!
FSCC is a club of about 165 members founded in 1969, and for the last 29 years, we have hosted one of the largest Corvette gatherings on the east coast. Corvette Weekend takes place in the seaside resort town of Ocean City, Maryland in October each year, with all of the net proceeds going towards local charities. Since it's inception, we have raised well over $600,000. We are also, most importantly, a fun and active club.
In the spirit of goodwill and in keeping with the brotherhood of Corvette enthusiasts everywhere, I propose creating mutual correspondence between clubs.
Here is where the idea came from:
As a member of Lions Club International, my local club has an informal "sister" club in Brighton UK. We periodically keep each other up to date with our activity, usually on a quarterly basis and we also exchange patches, pins, and newsletters, etc.
So, I thought his would be a great way to share our passion for our cars and occasionally send club items to each other for fund raising. I took the liberty of presenting this idea to my club at our September general meeting and after which, was met with overwhelming enthusiasm.
I hope this idea presents mutual enthusiasm with NSW and I look forward to your responses.
Cheers :cheers: and Save the Wave!
Rusty nuts:
Giday Jerry,
My name is Jeff Wilson, and I am the president of the New South Wales Corvettes Unlimited Car Club. We would love to start a long distance corvette friendship,however if the transfering of any shirts/pins etc.This should be done through my email ; as I do not want any of your good will going to the wrong hands , and finding them on there backs and no benefiting the club.I am happy to print articles from you and your club , in our club magazine.Also if any of your members are heading "downunder" please let me know so we can make them welcome.Eagerly awaiting your reply and questions, Jeff.
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