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court case

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I remember when the green slip system was introduced. It removed the monopoly for CTP from the then government-owned GIO. Rego prices did drop considerably for a while and then rose to new heights as the profit-seekers took control.


--- Quote from: gtc on May 03, 2017, 10:47:52 PM ---Rego prices did drop considerably for a while and then rose to new heights as the profit-seekers took control.
--- End quote ---

Yeah, the rego price did drop but the difference was soaked up by the price of the green slip. They sold it to us by saying the total cost will be the same, you just have to pay them separately. That lasted for a year or so then the insurance companies started upping their fee and the increase was faster than the rego increases; no surprises there. There's more insurance companies but each has to make yearly profits to please their shareholders.


Figure this one out my son (28 years old ) Green slip in Sydney $1300 moved to Orange for work Green slip renewal next year $375 . How does that work . Ray


--- Quote from: MY081 on May 04, 2017, 09:15:44 AM ---Figure this one out my son (28 years old ) Green slip in Sydney $1300 moved to Orange for work Green slip renewal next year $375 . How does that work . Ray
--- End quote ---

The rates are calculated by the  no. of claims in the area; more claims in Sydney, you pay higher rates.

In Albany WA, it's a few hundred bucks for the lot. Of course the road works budget in WA is nowhere near what it is in other states so their rego is cheaper too.


Thats BS, my home town is as dear as Sydney, theres only 25 people there. 500kms from Syd.

And ?..?.... there maybe more claims in Syd, but that should be tempered by the number of people living there - 5million

And And ?..?... What if I still lived in "Kickatinalong" but only ever drove in Mogo where the cost is very small.


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