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court case

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Wouldn't your insurance company cover your car, then ream the other guy, since it's been proven in court you he was in the wrong?


--- Quote from: Scott on November 09, 2015, 09:38:33 AM ---Wouldn't your insurance company cover your car, then ream the other guy
--- End quote ---

Hmm, interesting; does insurance also cover court costs related to your car in an accident?

I guess it's all in the PDS fine print.



--- Quote from: bootlegger on November 07, 2015, 06:46:27 AM ---I reckon I need at least another ten to take on his insurance.
They won't want to give me what it will cost to replace my car.
They too will try and wear me down.

--- End quote ---

Insurance will cover the car, not the court stuff. I was referring to this.  His insurance will pay out to replace the car, then get the $$$ back from the other guy.  As he's not at fault and they have someone to regain the money from, it shouldn't affect his future premiums. (In theory)

I dont insure my cars. I had a broker out a few years ago to give me a quote for my collection. After telling ms the premium was thirty grand a year I just decided to cover myself.
Im a beater so any damgae I can fix.
Ive had to repair a car my wife ran into a whike ago.. when the owners tried to tell me they wanted to go through their insurance I gave them an ultimatum. I fix their car. I buy them and identical car and they give me theirs or if they werent happy with the repairs done I woukd still buy the another car and keep theirs.
I did the repairs and ive never seen them again.
If you factor in that ive never had a prang at all in thirty years I can lose a car now and again.
Having said all that I spoke to his insurance company yesterday and yes they are playing hard ball claiming they are not responsible. 
I rang their solicitor and told him the judges findings. He changed his tune a bit when I told him I had the money behind me to fight.
It doesnt seem right that I had to fight the police and now them. At least in the civil court they have to weigh up their position. They lose they pay all my costs.
I was always innocent. The guy was driving on the wrong side of the road. Its hard for them to ignore that.


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