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court case

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--- Quote from: Bfit on May 05, 2017, 05:08:51 PM ---Who pays out when a police chase goes all wrong?

--- End quote ---

I remember back in the 80's, a guy I knew from school stole and smashed a car, the insurance co. kept writing him letters to cough up for damages and they eventually gave up. He had no job, etc. a lost cause.


Yes - the easy way is to declare yourself bankrupt, could be for as little as 12 months, Ive only arms length experience, but seems a way to get out of your responsibilities or at least to get out of the grip of creditors. Not sure it is a good thing.

Your wrong Bfit. You actually insure yourself against hurting others.
Think about it!
The only way "they" can quantify and controll it - is by attatching it to a "registered vehicle"
That way no matter who drives it - there is coverage.

Saves the litergation that was against both insurance companies and drivers.

With CTP the focus  became insurance companies, flush with money, whilst Joe Drive  may be a hick from Wollongong with nothing - just bad luck!

Big win for drivers untill insurance  companies realised that the Golden Goose trough was starting to cut into gross profits.

AND SO ! The rules, regs, inclusions, disclusions,  Post Code white washing started.

GOD Help the motorist because the Insurance Company wont.

I don't agree , if you have a licence then you would have insurance .
One insurance for all your cars ,
It would work ,Bfit

Bfit, I agree.
You can't drive more than one car at a time.
If every licensed driver had insurance, every car being driven by a licensed driver would be insured.
Then the risk would be insured.
The commercial oportunity for insurers would be reduced, but I think premiums would increase, as currently there are more cars than drivers.
I don't think things will change.


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