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Car covers

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When I finally do own a C3, I'd like to put a cover over it white it sits in the garage, mainly to keep dust off, Something simple and not over the top.  Any suggestions?

 :hi: I picked up a soft indoor cover for my C4 from Supercheap for a $100, does the job fine.

These work a treat off Ebay for $125 and fit C3 Perfectly !   :thumb:

I hear different comments, some prefer not to use covers, saying it causes sweating and can damage paint. I bought a Calibre Show Cover from Supacheap ~ $70, it has a soft inner lining.

Something like this:

I take the car out enough that I've yet to use it, lol.

Many swear by flannelette sheets; I was using them  before getting the cover; they did leave behind a lot of lint particles; could've been due to them being old sheets.


Thanks Gents, I'll check 'em out.  I had a flannie type/felty underlining and it used to leave greasy (?) stripes, like when a bird hits glass.  So these look they'll work, beats paying overseas freight just for a cover.  I guess the main thing is to keep it clean, or off the floor so one doesn't scratch the precious paint when you put it back on, which means I'll be chamois'ing it before i put it back on, am I sounding a bit precious?

stephenSLR: like oils, according to my wife there are flannelette sheets and then there are flannelette sheets.  Some cotton is better than others, but I think the polished duco/sets up a charge of sorts, like water tension and attracts the loose fibres which seem to stick like glue.


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