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'87 Stock Heads
Just wondering. are the stock heads on an '87 straight or angle plug? The heads on the '87 I recently purchased are angle, so I'm guessing aftermarket, but I can't see any brand markings.
Hi Reklaw. I've got an 87 and it appears stock. NOW! I'll show my ignorance here and ask - when you say "angled" Do you mean like the caps on plugs 2 & 4 are slightly angled towards each other, same with 6 & 8 etc etc. if so then I would assume that angled is the norm!?...
Thanks for your reply, I think you're onto it.
Here's a pic I pinched off the net. You can clearly see that the plugs are angled toward each other. Earlier Chevs had the plugs at right angles to the heads but aftermarket heads are available in either straight or angled (also called slant) configurations. It's something to do with the spark assisting in the combustion process.
Anyway, if your '87 is stock and has angle plug heads, then you've answered my question. Thanks again.
Vettech, can I ask one more silly question? Are the rocker covers on your stock '87 perimeter or centre bolt style?
86 iron:
The early 86 models with iron heads were perimeter all heads after that were alloy & centre bolt covers.
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