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This idiot sold his Corvette... and now he wants another one!
And I'm talking about myself :D
I sold my 78 because a) I needed money and b) I thought I'd be soon moving to the states (and I'd just buy another one there). The states plan has become more of a long term goal, so in the meantime I'm thinking I can fill the next 3-5 years with another beautiful Vette.
Has anything changed since I rego'd mine (back in 2009) with regards to regulations? Back then I just needed a blueslip, so I mucked around with the headlights, changed over the indicators with some home wiring (which worked perfectly and wasn't too difficult), swapped my sidepipes over to a standard pipe, and then found a guy that was nice and cruisy and loved the car enough to give me a blueslip without going over it with a fine toothed comb. Then found a pink slipper every year that also loved the car and never really complained that it wasn't quite right. But if things are different now, I want to be prepared.
Also, is there a comprehensive list in this forum (say, a sticky post) of the various shippers that bring cars out from LA? I can't remember who I used last time, but I remember all up with imports duties and taxes it cost me around 4k. If I can do it for around the same this time, then I'll be a happy chappy.
Having done it all before, I feel like I'm fairly well prepared, providing not too much (or nothing) has changed since I did it (I brought my car over at the end of 2005). I've found some great examples online for awesome prices, much cheaper than I thought I'd be able to find one for (thanks American recession!). I told the missus I'd sell my VX SS in order to fund one, she thinks I'm a bit nuts but it's my money and she know how much I loved my old Vette.
Anyway, keen to get back into it. I haven't even been in the forums since I sold it (which was over a year ago), as it was too depressing haha. But I'm excited now so let's see what happens.
mate you should find a good one already registered
its the easiest way I think
And more expensive way.
Having imported one before, it doesn't faze me at all to do it again. It can only go smoother than last time (halfway through the process, the guy bringing the car in died, and all his accounts were given to another shipping company), and I have a contact over there now who can help me find a good deal.
--- Quote from: Mattrix on December 01, 2014, 08:02:21 PM ---And more expensive way.
--- End quote ---
Not really. The market was flooded with 'container fillers' when the conversion rate was at $1.10. It's back at $0.86 now so a stateside car will cost you 20% more.
There Is one car in the club for sale
if your interested in a 70 model 454 auto it worth a look at, if only to compare against a vehicle you may import
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