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Fuel lines


So I decided to clean my tank out, fuel lines and put a new filter in.  All went well but now I have a leak from the top of the fuel filter.  It's the metal pipe that goes to the carbie.  I think I may have damaged the flange when reassembling it and now it leaks  :banghead:

Can anyone advise if this part is available locally or do I have to ship it from the US of A?


I had to get a filter for my 87 I looked on ebay & found filter in compatable vehicles . It was same filter for Range rover , jag & diahatsu went to local auto store with compatable vehicles $17 yours should also be available locally

After "visiting" the show and shine, I had to get home and take a closer look at mine.  I had a rare brain "light bulb" moment, and decided to put the old fuel filter in just to be sure before I changed the 3/8" steel tube.  Low and behold, no leak  :omg:  Damn, faulty "new" filter  :grr:


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