Events > Past Event & Run History

October 21 Tuesday Nigh BBQ # CE076 Now with pics


Come along & catch up with old & new friends and, as per usual, visitors are always welcome to enjoy the great food prepared by chefs Murray & Wendy with assistance from Joe.

We don't want to run out of food, or for that matter waste any.........

ESSENTIAL that you please Contact Murray Forman 0402 917 400
or Gary Nelson 0409 098 699 to ensure we cater for you

:bbq: Tomorrow night folks.

Please contact Murray or Gary if you plan on attending. I'm in.

Might bring the quad copter along

THANKS for the reminder - "B" and I  will be there. Do I still need to ring Murray / Gaza?


--- Quote from: Vettech on October 20, 2014, 05:55:16 PM ---THANKS for the reminder - "B" and I  will be there. Do I still need to ring Murray / Gaza?

--- End quote ---

As the poster ad says:

"ESSENTIAL that you please Contact Murray Forman 0402 917 400 or Gary Nelson 0409 098 699"

Send an SMS.

Pics of the night just in by Nick

Click image for album


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