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79 Model with A/C - Blower Fan issue

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trying to identify where an errant wire goes. I have one black wire that is loose in the engine bay and is part of the wiring harness that seems to feed into the blower fan and also near to the starter motor feed. Pic shows the wire I am trying to find a home for. Anyone with a '79 with A/C that could point me in the right direction I would be grateful. It is not live (black is normally earth) but it does spark if you touch to a ground, so it is completing a circuit. I suspect possibly the blower fan? HELP PLEASE!!!!!

Cant see clearly from the top pic if it goes in the 6 pin plug in the corner with another black wire with a heavy red next to it, it goes onto the factory alarm switch which is located on firewall in second pic

Hi, sorry, the loose black wire comes out of the 6 pin connector off a terminal with another black wire and next to the heavy red wire wire like you mentioned.

Are you saying this loose black wire should be connected to the plunger switch on the firewall? I cant see where it should connect or join to.

The alarm switch has 2 spade conections. That is where wire goes one on each side.The spade connector may be broken off

thanks for that, I will look more closely on the weekend.


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