Events > 2014

October 19 Annual Show N Shine Rouse Hill # CE074 Now with pics

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Thanks for all of those 70 entries folks, but I'm sure some who may have forgotten to enter will do so in the next 24 hours!!

Let's get behind our Club for it's biggest event of the year.   :cheers:

Miss Independent:
Thanks to all who have entered. We have 100 attending the event. Entries are closed for cars to be judged but you can still enter to come along and display your pride and joy. Event shirts and caps are finalised as well with a limited number of caps being for sale on the day. Look forward to seeing you all there.

Now get off the computer, you've got work to do !!

To my fellow club members. Have a great day tomorrow, have a fun time.Wish I could be there. But suit fittings for my daughter's wedding and a house full of builders and my beloved BJ at the smash repairers makes it a bit difficult. So it would be my Mitsubishi  sitting with the C3's and I don't think it fair that a Mitsubishi Challenger should win a trophy.   :grin:

Sorry to hear you and BJ can't make it tomorrow Mal. We'll miss you.
For the 100+ Corvette owners who will be there, the forecast couldn't be better. Remember to slip, slop and slap as a fine sunny day is forecast. Sun blockout will be available at the Club tent.   :shades:

Everything is ready to go for the largest Corvette show Sydney has seen for many years. Have a great day everyone   :bolt: 

Hi Guys
Any pictures available from today would love to see the turn out. Sorry just couldn't split in 2 today to get there 


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