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76 LHS Lower Dash pad AC vent

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Hi everyone, some knowledge assistance is required. On the LHS lower dash panel on my 76 under the Tacho housing (lower RHS) there is an AC vent outlet. I am a bit baffeled as I have not been able to find any reference to one being there in any of the tech sheets or manuals that I have seen. I have also not been able to find the vent grill in any of the parts suppliers catalouges. As I am refurbishing the dash I would like to replace the grill/vent with a new one.

Any info on this would be appreciated.  :huh:

Edit: images embedded by camo

I think dash pad is from an earlier model like 69 with AC?


Nope, definitely not from a 69 Vette... ive seen heaps, and never like this.. it looks custom to me.

Thanks for the replies guys. Just a bit more info, it's not a custom as the moulding of the whole dash pad looks to be all original and the air ductiing suppling this vent is original and has the extra outlet moulded into it to supply this lower vent. Still a mystery ??????

It may be the dash pad dirk digger had made up to provide respite after a hard day at work?


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