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Brake system and Calipers

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I have started to look at why the brake pedal is going all the way to the floor on my 76. When I bought it a few weeks ago it had been sitting for about 4 years so I suspect that it could be the caliper seals, even though there are no signs of fluid leak. I have just finished replacing the master cylinder and bleeding the back brakes only at this stage, but no improvement at all. I went to bleed the fronts and found that one of the bleed screws has been broken off and the other one has no hex left on it after someone has used multigrips on it  :banghead: I am now wondering if I should just bite the bullet and replace all the calipers (and hoses)?

So some advice and recommendations would be appreciated.
1. Can I buy new or reconditioned calipers here in Sydney (or Australia) or have mine reconditioned ?
2. I have looked at the Ecklers offerings and found that there are a few different options so I am a bit confused as to which ones I would buy if I was to get them?
3. The disc's look pretty good on the braking surfaces with no signs of wear or scoring but I have read on many blogs that disc run out could also cause issues, so any opinions on this ?

Thanks, Allen
PS. Sorry but this will probably be just the start of many more questions to come as I get further into trying to get the car on the road.


Give Steve a ring at JACTUPwithBITTSandPIECES! .... tell him Jethro from the Gong sent ya he'll look after ya with  a New 4 Spot Twin Piston Calipers  stainless steel sleeved and fully assembled and are ready to put on the car

Steve will be a great bloke to know on your new venture  :thumb:

Steve  is located at Sylvania Heights did you try to get the nipples out on the car or the bench?

Thanks for the reply's and the lead/link. :thumb: I haven't tried either yet, all caliper's are still on the car. Spent the afternoon degreasing and pressure cleaning underneath the car, so I can get a clearer look at things (and the driveway as I have also now found power steering fluid leaking).

Spray the bleeder nipples with Inox spray for a few days prior to working on them


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