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Who did you end up using to bring it over ?

Are you happy with them ?

And can you p.m. the cost ?



--- Quote from: Jethro on July 03, 2014, 07:26:20 AM ---Ben,

Who did you end up using to bring it over ?

Are you happy with them ?

And can you p.m. the cost ?


--- End quote ---

Hey Jethro

Yeah man very happy with them, (Cargoclear) it's who performax use aswell, very easy all i had to do was get car to them in LA with minimum paperwork then the next i heard was need some money for clearing customs and LCT (luxuary car tax) and it was delivered to performax cost about 3200-3500 for their side of things and have seen photos she looks spot on. Now the LCT and other Aus goverment charges are a diff story all together bastards!!! :omg:
I have a couple of contacts with Cargoclear that i can put you onto mate, very helpfull guys.

Great, that's whomi used and was a very smooth process.

Yeah Jagsy was smooth as I asked if he needed me to do anything and he said nah like to keep it simple  :pepper:

Adventure has started off to Gympie this morning to pick up vetted.
There a good chance will pop into show at Port Macquarie  or at Brunch that Jagsy is hosting.


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