Events > Past Event & Run History
May 4th 2014 Wings Over The Illawarra # CE032 Now with pics
80 Vet:
Hiya Mal, I will be waiting on the side of the freeway between Kanahooka road and Fowlers road about 0745 hours. Give us a toot as you go past just in case I have fallen asleep. Chris :grin:
As far as I can see at the moment the air show is still on so see you all tomorrow at the meeting points.
NOTES FROM THE ORGANISERS for those going direct to the field and not meeting at Uncle Leo's.
Classic Vehicle Instructions
Dear Classic Vehicle Owner,
Thank you for registering to display your vehicle at Wings over Illawarra 2014 which is being held on 4th May 2014.
On the Day
When you are arriving at Albion Park Rail, whether it be from the North or the South you will need to turn into the Airport Precinct from the Princes Highway via Airport Road at the traffic lights.
The Traffic Management staff will direct you to turn left into Hargraves Avenue. At the end of Hargraves Avenue you will turn right into Boomerang Avenue.
Entry to the Classic Vehicle Display area will be via Gate 9 (East of the HARS Hangar) Turn left.
Once you turn into the entrance at Gate 9 the staff will direct you to your designated parking area. All clubs have been allocated spaces with your fellow club members. Due to the limited space all vehicles will need to remain in their allocated spaces.
Access to the area will be from 7:00 am until 9:00 am. This is not negotiable and gates will be closed at 9:00 am to allow access for the general public onto the Airshow site.
Each vehicle owner has already been sent a complimentary ticket. If you have not received your complimentary ticket please contact me and I will rectify the situation. Passengers in your vehicle will need to purchase a ticket prior to entering, either online or at the gates to the airfield. Staff will be available to assist you. If you wish to purchase tickets for your passengers these can still be bought online at
Leaving the Airfield
All Classic Vehicles that have agreed to display at Wings over Illawarra will be required to remain on the site until 3:30 pm. This is once again not negotiable. Gates will be locked until 3:30 pm.
To ease traffic when you leave the airfield you should turn left as you depart and leave via Airport Road.
We are looking forward to you and your classic vehicle being a part of Wings Over Illawarra. If you have any questions please do not hesitate in contacting me on 0417 335 409 or
Cheers Mal. C ya's tomozz at the airport.
Cool. See you there. :banana: :pepper:
You YOU are going out to a run IN the vette
Far king ell
Interested in driving to Perth in 2016 for the convention
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