Events > Past Event & Run History
23rd March, Sublime Point and Motor Museum - CE022 Now with pics
Hmmm on the p#iss the night before but Tracey is keen so might just see ya at Subline point at 9.30 ish ?
Oky Doky :drunk:
We will make the first part of this
See ya there
OK. Fellow Club members. WE only have a couple of days till I have to close this one off. If you want to go on this run please let me know by Wednesday night at the latest. I have to give the venue a list of attendees for catering and staffing levels.
Also if you have a friend in the club that is not on the forum but you thin k might want to go. Tell them to get in touch.
For those that have advised me. Thanks guys will be great to see you and thanks for your support.
Looking forward to this one. Mal. or 0419 488 166
80 Vet:
Mal, Sandy has to work in operating theatre on the Sunday. She said something about sticking someone back together because they were broken. So it will just be me for breakfast and the motor museum. See ya all on Sunday. Chris :thumb: :bounce: :banana:
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