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Club Plates

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Thanks for the link Nik.
With so many clubs around these days there should be plenty of runs available to get a certified number from should one just happen to be out on the road.:b2

Vette Obsessed:
Brutus, don't quote me on this but I don't know if it is that easy (or possible) to get a "pass" or run number through a club other than the one you are affiliated with.

One benefit is that rego etc is cheaper, the downside is the limitations put on when you can drive your car.  You would want to be careful about how many "tuning or repair runs" you make because I think the RTA is wise to that practice already.

does the corvette club have  historical rego ???
if not go to and get in touch with ozbox (he does ours) he should be able to help you out with information :)

MR 502:
You could ring SCOTT MUNTER our (Club plate register) , he would awnser all your questions   0418 970899;26

Thank you gentlemen. Just another question ..... are our breakfast runs considered a club event?


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