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Video: Christmas Tree Harvest With Helicopter. Amazing Pilot! Now with the pilots view


Christmas Tree harvesting at Noble Mountain Christmas Tree Farm in Oregon. Pilot Dan Clark flying a Northwest Helicopters, LLC 206B3 Jetranger November of 2008. Oregon is the nation's biggest producer and exporter of Christmas trees, selling about 7.3 million trees a year, more than twice that of No. 2 North Carolina.

The largest Christmas tree producer in the state is Holiday Tree Farms of Corvallis, shipping about 1 million trees a year. Manager Dave Silen says a shift toward more family gatherings this year could help sales. The holiday trees represent a $101 million industry in Oregon.

The lift rope never has a chance to stop swinging like  a pendulum talk about instincts  taking over this pilot takes it to a new level!

Amazing flying and amazing how the load unhooks itself so cleanly.

A pilots view....

CammO, left hand side floor, see the dude's lunch box? I reckon he;s that good he eats he's lunch on the run. Or should that be on the Fly  :rol: :rol: :rol:


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